Until it's done, tell none

January 7th, 2025 (27 days ago) • 1 minute

a quote I saw

a quote I saw

I realize when I tell people my plans, they often don't happen.

I went and searched today and found out that the culprit is my ventral tegmental area in my brain had gotten its satisfaction and reward from that act.

Further searches led me to this research paper.

In short, sharing your big idea makes your unconcious mind think you've already done it, and you're less likely to actually do it. For example, by thinking long of a delicious meal, your mouth will start to salivate even though you haven't eaten it yet.

Telling people what you are doing doesn't fill your body with anxiety or the urge but more post-win satisfaction. It makes you feel that you are already at the peak and now you can relax.

So conclusion: heads down and work - then celebrate when you've done it.

Reference: why telling people your goals is a fatal mistake