Living Life

January 8th, 2025 (26 days ago) • 2 minutes

Knowledge and wisdom. Two things that humans strive to get but never understand the difference of.

You read about life. I lived it

I watched Good Will Hunting today and this scene really hit me. Robin Williams talks about how he lived life while Matt Damon (because he's a genius) only read about it. The whole conversation is captured so well that you can see and feel Matt's emotions eventhough he did not say anything.

The main point in there was that it's not about how much you know - you can be the smartest person in the world but if you don't know how to live life, what's the point?

There are so many things to experience in life that you can't read about it, that's why travel and exploring is so important. You can read about the culture of a country but you'll never understand it until you experience it.

Same goes with love and relationships.

Experience in Life > Knowledge in Life.

p.s if I have enough money, I want to try living in Bangkok(cheap food) / Japan(for their culture) for at least a year (without having to do 9 - 5 work). Maybe freelancing or something along those line will work.