Finding Sparkly People
December 22nd, 2023 (about 1 year ago) • 2 minutes
Sparkly people are those who exude a good vibe and naturally attract others. This definition is vague, but it's the best I can provide.
Some characteristics of sparkly people include:
Ability to Make Value Neutral Observations: They can observe something, suspend opinions, and take it for what it is.
Hype Adjacent: They don't conform to every micro-trend and hype.
Normalized Kindness: Observing how they treat others is crucial.
Consistency of Creativity: They demonstrate a degree of creativity and maintain consistency in it, whether in gardening, cooking, dancing, etc.
Within conversations, sparkly people may exhibit:
Refusal to Accept Messy Explanations: They possess the intellectual ability to identify and challenge messy explanations.
Ability to Teach at Varying Levels: They can explain concepts in both simplified and complex terms, making others feel valued and smart.
Relationship with Useful Vices: Observing their interactions with potentially harmful habits or substances.
Relationship with Recommendations: Assessing whether they have actually engaged with the things they recommend.
Callback Ability: Their capacity to cross-connect ideas across different domains.
Interest in the History of Their Field: Recognizing the contributions of predecessors in their field of expertise.
Default Peace: Their comfort level with uncertainty or confusion.
Minimal Time to Squeling: Their efficiency in identifying what the other party wants to discuss.
No Pedestalizing: Their ability to converse with admired individuals without making them feel uncomfortable.