Learnings about Learning

January 11th, 2024 (about 1 year ago) • 2 minutes

Environments Matter: I grew up in a place with very few distractions, and it was very easy to learn. Identifying the right environment is crucial for learning. Changing your environment can be a great way to learn new things.

Get Ahead and Teach: If you're able to get ahead of your peer group, you can teach them and learn from them at the same time. If you can quickly become a valuable resource to a group of people, you can learn more just by the nature of the new and interesting questions they ask you.

Process vs Outcome: Ask yourself if the goal you're setting is an outcome or a process. If it's an outcome, ask yourself if you're measuring the right thing. If it's a process, ask yourself if you're measuring the right thing and if the order of magnitude is correct.

Periodize your training: If you're learning something that requires a lot of volume, you should consider periodizing your training. Set long time horizons and peak at the end of them. Take breaks and deload weeks.

Learn from people actively doing the thing 'in competition': Ask yourself if the people you are learning from and getting advice from are actively doing the thing you want to do. Not by proxy, or by status, or celebrity, but actually doing the thing you want to do. Then ask yourself how far along they are in their journey. Are they a few months ahead, a few years ahead, or decades ahead? Are they at risk of being out of touch?

Focus on the Fundamentals to avoid unforced Errors: Focus on the fundamentals and avoid unforced errors. Most people fail to reach their desired goals due to unforced errors alone. You should at least be failing due to circumstances you cannot control.

Adding on to this snippet by Jason on Learnings. If you really want something, then just do it. Don't wait for the right time, because there will never be a right time. You will never be ready. You will never be good enough. So just start and you will learn along the way.