Memory and Photography

April 23rd, 2024 (10 months ago) • 2 minutes

Flowers from Lisette Cafe

Flowers from Lisette Cafe

You'll never know the value of a moment, till it becomes a memory."

-- Dr. Seuss

Today, I came across this this quote by Dr. Seuss which is so true.

We often take things for granted until they're gone.

Since I bought my first iPhone, with a now decent camera in it, I've been taking a lot of photos. Everywhere I go I start to be more aware of my surrounding, looking into small things that I can capture and keep as a memory.

I didn't really do that before because my old phone had a terrible camera. But now, I'm so glad I did.

I also started to look into camera taking technique as well as editing them in Lightroom. It's so much fun. With just a little bit of preset, pictures can look 10 times better.

I want to start taking videos as well, so I can compile them and look back into the best time of my life now in my 20s.

So, takeaway, take more photos and videos. You'll never know when you'll need them.