Planting Orchids

January 25th, 2024 (about 1 year ago) • 1 minute

My goals

My goals

I recently had an idea to plant something and take care of them. Orchids are really beautiful and I thought it would be a good idea to plant them.

Here are some of my notes prior to purchasing them.

Orchids are plants that last a long time, ranging from a week to a month. They usually bloom only once or twice a year.

They are epiphytes - they don't grow on soil but instead they grab moisture from the air. So they need to be planted in a well-drained potting mix. For example, orchid bark is a good one.

Remember no direct sunlight (around 55 to 70 degrees) and don't overwater. Water once a week (not at the leave) and let the water drain out.

To keep moisture in the air, add gravel to a tray of water and place the pot on top.

Fertilize with water soluble fertilizer, preferably fertilizer with high nitrogen content once monthly. If possible, dilute the content by half. After a week of 2, water with plain water to flush out the unused residues.

Use dry sheet moss for aesthetics.