The Taxi Cab Theory

April 30th, 2024 (9 months ago) • 2 minutes

Old school taxi

Old school taxi

The Taxi Cab Theory says that love and relationship does not depends on commitment and effort, it depends on timing. Like a cab, when they are reading for commitment, they will have their lights on. But if their light is off, not matter how hard you try to flag them down, they will never stop for you.

When their light is on, they will immediately pick up the next available passenger. If you are not there, they will pick up someone else. Vice versa if you are not ready, they will pick up someone else. It’s not fate, it’s dumb luck.

In the simplest terms, the theory stems from the idea that commitment is incongruent with compatibility. It’s not that finding the perfect partner is impossible, per se, but it values settling on someone who’s generally pleasant to be around—or at the bare minimum, someone who won’t make you cringe when they laugh or slurp soup.

  • Sydney Meister
  • I think I might not be ready to turn on my light yet. I still have many things to do that I want to accomplish at least for the next year. Moving to another country is a big thing and I want to enjoy the process. But who knows what comes on after next?