Where Did All the Cool Websites Go?

January 10th, 2024 (about 1 year ago) • 2 minutes

Have you ever wondered what happened to our time spent on the web?

We used to be able to find cool things that people made, but now it seems like we're just scrolling through endless feeds of content, supplied by one of the top 5 major social media out there. Hence the question: Where did all the cool websites go?

Most of the content today are catered to capture your attention and keep you on the platform. Based on what you like to see, they propose similar content to you and keep you within the same domain. That's why your 'For You' page is always filled with reposts of similar contents.

On the other hand, cool websites are always there, just that it's 'hidden' away from you and require some effort to discover.

People (including myself) should get off the generic 'For You' page and start discovering content that is not catered for the algorithm. No more mindless scrolling. We should create content that is catered to our own interest and not what the algorithm thinks we like.

Time to share the websites that we find cool and interesting! Be a curator of the web instead of a lurking consumer!

Starting of with my own list of cool websites I found recently: